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SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO)

A SQL-DMO object exposes the attributes of a Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 component.
Distributed Management Objects (DMO) is a set of programmable objects that come with SQL Server that make it easy to programatically administer your databases. SQL-DMO is actually the foundation of Enterprise Manager, so you can pretty much do anything programatically that you can do in the management tools. Some of these tasks include :

  • Scripting Objects
  • Backing up databases
  • Creating jobs
  • Altering tables

  • Code snippets are from VB.NET

    Connecting using SQL Authentication

    Dim objDMO as SQLServer
    Set objDMO = new SQLDMO.SQLServer
    objDMO.Connect "(local)", "sa", "of_course_I_changed_my_password"

    Connecting using NT Authentication
    This is as simple as setting the "loginsecure" property to True and leaving off the login and password.
    Dim objDMO as SQLServer
    Set objDMO = new SQLDMO.SQLServer
    objDMO.loginsecure = true
    objDMO.Connect "(local)"
    Don't forget at the end of this you will want to disconnect and clean up your objects with a simple :
    Set objDMO = nothing

    The Tables Collection

    The object model within DMO is very similar to the heirachy in Enterprise Manager. Underneath each server is a collection of databases. Each database has collections of objects. Tables, Stored Procedures and Views all exist in collections under a database.
    Here is an example of some code that would loop through the tables collection to return the name of each table.

    'Assuming, we have set up our connection.

    Dim objDB As Database
    Set objDB = objDMO.Databases("northwind")

    Dim oTable As Table
    For Each oTable In objDB.Tables
    MsgBox oTable.Name

    'Assuming, we have set up our connection.
      Dim objDB As Database
      Set objDB = objDMO.Databases("northwind")
      Dim oTable As Table
      Set oTable = objDB.Tables("employees")
      'Assuming we have a text box control named text1
      Text1.Text = oTable.Script()
    declare @objDMO int
    declare @objDatabase int
    declare @resultCode int
    declare @dbname varchar(200)
    declare @tablename varchar(200)
    declare @cmd varchar(300)
    declare @temp varchar(8000)
    Set @dbname = 'PUBS'
    Set @tablename = 'Authors'
    EXEC @resultcode = sp_OACreate 'SQLDMO.SQLServer', @objDMO OUT
    if @resultcode = 0
    print 'Created Object'
    Exec @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @objDMO, 'loginsecure', 'true'
    EXEC @resultcode = sp_OAMethod @objDMO, 'Connect', NULL, '(local)'
    if @resultcode = 0
    print 'connected'
    Set @cmd = 'databases("' + @dbname + '").tables("' + @tablename + '").script'
    Exec @resultcode = sp_OAMethod @objDMO, @cmd , @temp OUTPUT, 4
    print @temp
    EXEC @resultcode = sp_OADestroy @objDMO
    if @resultcode = 0
    Print 'destroyed object'


    This has been a very brief introduction to SQL-DMO. It is a topic that a huge book could be written on so I have barely scratched the surface. The examples here are very basic and not very useful in themselves but give you an idea as to what can be achieved. I urge you to experiment with DMO and see what you can do with it. If you have any questions, post them in the forums here and I am sure you will get some help.


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