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Use Default Value in Product Magento

Again I Spent quiet time to set `Use Default Value` in Magento. 

I wanted to set Product Status to be `Use Default  Value` under store views. I tried some methods and checked not lucky for me so i tested with the database.

SELECT * FROM catalog_product_entity_int WHERE store_id =4 and entity_id =1  

I found when we enable `Use Default Value` there is a record for status (my status id was 96. You can find them from eav_attribute table )

When it is disabled there is no record. So i thought do that by Database wise. But its not good at all so I found this. Finally it worked.


$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
     ->setData('status', false)

You can use `Use Default Value` to supported attributes but don't forget to add


Otherwise only putting
setData('status', false); 

won't work


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