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Delete Customer Details from Magee using SQL

SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- reset customers TRUNCATE customer_address_entity; TRUNCATE customer_address_entity_datetime; TRUNCATE customer_address_entity_decimal; TRUNCATE customer_address_entity_int; TRUNCATE customer_address_entity_text; TRUNCATE customer_address_entity_varchar; TRUNCATE customer_entity; TRUNCATE customer_entity_datetime; TRUNCATE customer_entity_decimal; TRUNCATE customer_entity_int; TRUNCATE customer_entity_text; TRUNCATE customer_entity_varchar; TRUNCATE log_customer; TRUNCATE log_visitor; TRUNCATE log_visitor_info; ALTER TABLE customer_address_entity AUTO_INCREMENT=1; ALTER TABLE customer_address_entity_datetime AUTO_INCREMENT=1; ALTER TABLE customer_address_entity_decimal AUTO_INCREMENT=1; ALTER TABLE customer_address_entity_int AUTO_INCREMENT=1; ALTER TABLE customer_address_entity_text AUTO_INCREMENT=1; ALTER TABLE customer_address_entity_varchar AUTO_INCREMENT=1; ALTER TABLE customer_entity AUTO_INCREMENT=1; ALTER TABLE customer_entity_datetime AUTO_INCREME

Delete Magento images programmatically

$productId =1; $loadpro=Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getId()); $mediaApi = Mage::getModel("catalog/product_attribute_media_api"); $mediaApiItems = $mediaApi->items($product->getId()); foreach($mediaApiItems as $item) { $mediaApi->remove($loadpro->getId(), $item['file']); } $loadpro->save();


I have used DbVisualizer 9.0 in Ubuntu 13.04. Because of that I cannot use other software like netbeans and chrome due to slowness of their process. So I moved to different Mysql Admin tools and Tora is great tool. here is how you can install it in Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install tora $ sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-psql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-sql-odbc libqt4-sql-tds

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