Git script which shows little bit advanced status. Save with Preferred file name in /usr/local/bin/XX branch="" branches="git branch --list" ESC_SEQ="\x1b[" COL_RESET=$ESC_SEQ"39;49;00m" COL_RED=$ESC_SEQ"31;01m" while read -r branch; do clean_branch_name=${branch//\*\ /} description=`git config branch.$clean_branch_name.description` if [ "${branch::1}" == "*" ]; then printf "$COL_RED$branch$COL_RESET $description \n" else printf " $branch $description\n" fi done Use the following command to add a description to your local branches. git branch --edit-description
SELECT * FROM core_config_data INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/core_config.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '`' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';