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Google Talk Secret Emoticons

Some of the basic emoticon like :) and :D works inside google talk and on typing will turn bold blue like: :) and :D. Some other notably useful emoticons are

:( , :P , :O , : , :'( , :x , :-) , :-D , :-( , :-P , :-O , :- , :-x .

However, if you use chat feature inside Gmail, there are few animated emoticons which aren't documented and hidden for normal users.

One thing to keep in mind is that all emoticons are available for Gmail chat client but Google talk does not supports all of them. Google has beautifully added 'animated smileys' or 'emoticons' to the Gmail-integrated version of Google Talk. These emoticons begin by showing you what you typed, then rotate or morph into a more traditional smiley (Refresh this page to see what I mean). Most of them are black on white (like the text in chat), with a few splashes of color. If you hover mouse arrow over them, they again re-animate to create lovely effect.

To use emoticons, you need to click the blue smiley-face button at the right of the text-entry field. A pop-up menu appears, where you can choose from different emoticon sets, including circular, rectangular, or standard. However beside these, there are few others which are undocumented and considered as hidden emoticons just like secret text formatting feature in Google talk.

Below is the list of all secret emoticons. Type the appropriate combination of keys in chat box and press enter to display them .

Emoticon Type this
to get this!
<3 heart
:() monkey
\m/ rock out!
:-o shocked
:D grin
:( frown
X-( angry
B-) cool
:'( crying
=D big grin
;) wink
:- straight face
=) big smile
:-D nose grin
;^) big nose wink
;-) nose wink
:-) nose smile
:-/ skeptical
:P sticking tongue out

Note that if you send an emoticon to someone who isn't using chatting through Gmail, the emoticon may not display properly.


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