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Customized Page for Printer

  • Intro
  • How to Create Customized papper (Windows XP)
  • Set the Customized papper as Default paper to the printer.


When i was working with several projects; customers are using pre printed invoices for print their bills.For printing invoices i used Crystal Reports. for print particular information on that pre printed invoices i had to waste lots of time with doing alignments. If that pre-printed bill is A4 then its easy for me to set alignments because most of every printer supports A4 papers.(NOT POS PRINTERS). But if the customer select a Paper which is not supports to the printer then i have to waste lots of time to set the paper alignments.

New printers are supporting user to set their own customized paper. But lots of companies still using dot matrix printers for print lots of invoices. It is easy and economical. Most of all Dot matrix printers does not have a feature to customized the paper size.Windows XP has a option to user defined paper on Printer and Faxes in the control panel. Unfortunately some of printers are not supporting this feature.But Luckyly printers like Epson LX-300+ (very popular dot matrix printer) supports customized papers.If the paper size is supports to the printer other things going to be very easy

How to Create Customized paper (Windows XP)

(Assume have Epson LX-300+ printer attached to my PC)
Open Control Panel an double click on Printers and Faxes.

Select File
select Server Properties

Then you can see Print Server Properties Dialog Box.
Put a Check Mark on Create a new form under Forms tab.

Now you can define Paper size and printing margins on Form description (measurements) Area.
After finish your work give Appropriate Name on Form Name and click Save Form.

Set the Customized paper as Default paper to the printer

Right Click on Epson LX-300+ printer and select Properties.

click Printing Preferences
from Printing Preferences dialog box click Advanced button
From the Advanced Option dialog box select Paper Size and click the paper name you already created.
click OK twice.
Select Device Settings Tab from Properties Dialog Box.
Choose Customized paper for Manual Feed:, Sheet Feeder: and Tractor Feed:.

click OK.

Now your Printer Default paper settings are set to your Customized paper.


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