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Expire Session When the Browser Close [Codeigniter]

I wanted user to log again to the site whenever they close the browser. i searched everywhere and i found the easiest way. application/config/config.php sess_expire_on_close = TRUE Easy Session Preferences You'll find the following Session related preferences in your file: Preference Default Options Description sess_cookie_name ci_session None The name you want the session cookie saved as. sess_expiration 7200 None The number of seconds you would like the session to last. The default value is 2 hours (7200 seconds). If you would like a non-expiring session set the value to zero: 0 sess_expire_on_close FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to cause the session to expire automatically when the browser window is closed. sess_encrypt_cookie FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to encrypt the session data. sess_use_database FALSE TRUE/FALSE (boolean) Whether to save the session data to a database. You must...

Date Difference in PHP

There is a easy method for find date difference in php. But this method didn't work after i hosted my files. So i came up with following. it is generating difference in days. but you can use other calculations for generate Months, years. This is a simple method. $from = date("Y-m-d",strtotime('2011-04-01')); $to= date("Y-m-d",strtotime('2011-04-06')); $diff = strtotime($from )-strtotime($to); echo floor($diff / (60*60*24)); 60*60*24 = Generate Days ( 86400 ) "year" = 29030400 , // seconds in a year (12 months) "month" = 2419200 , // seconds in a month (4 weeks) "week" = 604800 , // seconds in a week (7 days) "day" = 86400 , // seconds in a day (24 hours) "hour" = 3600 , // seconds in an hour (60 minutes) "minute" = 60 , // seconds in a minute (60 seconds) "second" = 1 // 1 second

Codeigniter Email Sending Using GMAIL

I searched this and got it. Worked fine. Only problem was below code line. $this->email->set_newline("\r\n"); If you miss it code wont work $config = array( 'protocol' => 'smtp', 'smtp_host'=>'ssl://', 'smtp_port' => 465, 'smtp_user'=>'', 'smtp_pass'=>'password', 'mailtype' => 'html', 'charset'=> 'iso-8859-1', ); $this->load->library('email',$config); $this->email->from('', 'Your Name'); $this->email->to(','); $this->email->subject('Email Test'); $this->...

Execute *.sql with .NET

Do you ever want to execute slq statements at once. I mean SQL Script file. Normally we are using like following commands to Execute Single SQL statement. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); but this way you can execute one command at a time. We cannot execute SQL script using above command. Normal SQL Script Like this. if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FK__titleauth__au_id__0519C6AF]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[titleauthor] DROP CONSTRAINT FK__titleauth__au_id__0519C6AF GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[authors] ( [au_id] [id] NOT NULL , [au_lname] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [au_fname] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [phone] [char] (12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [address] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [city] [varchar] (20) COLL...

Remove comma from a String in Crystal Reports

I have a little problem regarding with following in Crystal Report "Salary Sheet For "+ Monthname (month({PrintPaySlip;1.Salary_Date}))+ " "+ totext(TONumber({@FYear})) Outout will be like follwos. Salary Sheet For January 2,010 What i want is like follows (Without the comma) Salary Sheet For January 2010 So the soultion would be like this. "Salary Sheet For "+ Monthname (month({PrintPaySlip;1.Salary_Date}))+ " "+ totext(TONumber({@FYear}),0,"") Thanks for looking a simple function. but if you dont know.... it'll become Difficult.... Learn everything.... impossible but give a try...


I think you can understand with following code. SalesInvoice rpt = new SalesInvoice(); rpt.RecordSelectionFormula = SQL; rpt.SetDatabaseLogon("sa", "pwd"); PrintDialog prtdlg = new PrintDialog(); prtdlg.ShowDialog();rpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = prtdlg.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; rpt.PrintToPrinter(prtdlg.PrinterSettings.Copies, prtdlg.PrinterSettings.Collate, prtdlg.PrinterSettings.FromPage, prtdlg.PrinterSettings.ToPage); Keep Programming.

Customized Page for Printer

Intro How to Create Customized papper (Windows XP) Set the Customized papper as Default paper to the printer. Intro When i was working with several projects; customers are using pre printed invoices for print their bills. For printing invoices i used Crystal Reports. for print particular information on that pre printed invoices i had to waste lots of time with doing alignments. If that pre-printed bill is A4 then its easy for me to set alignments because most of every printer supports A4 papers.(NOT POS PRINTERS) . But if the customer select a Paper which is not supports to the printer then i have to waste lots of time to set the paper alignments. New printers are supporting user to set their own customized paper. But lots of companies still using dot matrix printers for print lots of invoices. It is easy and economical. Most of all Dot matrix printers does not have a feature to customized the paper size. Windows XP has a option to user defined paper on Printer and Faxes in the control...